Root canals in New York, NY

Smile Cafe NY

Root canals in New York, NY

At Smile Cafe, a root canal is a procedure that removes damaged or diseased tissue from a tooth while allowing the patient to keep that tooth in their mouth. This treatment saves teeth that would otherwise need to be pulled or extracted. If a tooth isn’t treated, it will continue to decay and eventually fall out on its own. A root canal prevents the infection from spreading to other mouth areas, such as the surrounding teeth and gums.   

When Is a Root Canal Necessary?  

A root canal is necessary when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed. The pulp is the first layer of the inside of your tooth, containing nerves and blood vessels that provide nutrients to the tooth. If the pulp is irritated or damaged due to decay or injury, it can cause swelling, pain, and even an abscess. If your dentist determines that you need a root canal, they gently remove the diseased tissue before cleaning and sealing the tooth to prevent further infection. Your dentist may also add a crown or restoration to protect the treated tooth. Due to advances in modern technology, modern root canal treatments are often comfortable and practical for patients. Many patients report minimal or no discomfort after having their procedure performed.   

The Root Canal Procedure  

The inside of each tooth is made of several layers, starting at the enamel and going inward to the pulp. When the pulp becomes infected or damaged due to decay or trauma, it can cause pain and require treatment in the form of a root canal. During a root canal procedure, the dentist will access the pulp and remove the diseased interior of the tooth. Once thoroughly cleaned, they will seal the tooth with a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha, then cap it with a porcelain crown. While the idea of a root canal may sound scary, this general procedure can relieve your pain and save your natural tooth.!  

The Benefits of Root Canal Treatments  

Pain Relief  

Root canal treatment is often performed to alleviate severe tooth pain caused by an infection or inflammation of the dental pulp. The procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, eliminating the source of pain, and providing relief.  

Preservation of Natural Teeth  

The primary goal of root canal treatment is to save the natural tooth from extraction. Preserving your natural teeth is essential for proper chewing function, speaking ability, and a natural-looking smile. Dental implants or bridges, which may be considered alternatives to root canal treatment, involve more extensive procedures and the replacement of the missing tooth.  

Restored Tooth Function   

After root canal treatment, the tooth is usually restored with a dental crown or other suitable restoration. This restores the tooth's strength, function, and appearance, allowing you to bite and chew comfortably and naturally.  

Treating a damaged tooth immediately is essential to prevent complications such as further infection, tooth loss, and more. Visit Smile Cafe at 45 Park Ave, Professional Unit 1, New York, NY 10016, or call (212) 779-3494 to schedule a visit with our dentist to get your smile healthy today! 



45 Park Ave, Professional Unit 1,
New York, NY 10016

Office Hours

MON9:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE9:00 am - 8:00 pm

WED9:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU9:00 am - 8:00 pm

FRI9:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUNBy appointments only